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Thank you to the Joliet Rotary Club who donated over 1,000 dictionaries to all Joliet Public
Schools District 86 third grade students. In addition to delivering the dictionaries, members of the
Rotary shared the Rotary Four-Way Test with the third grade students at T.E. Culbertson, M.J.
Cunningham, Eisenhower, Farragut, Forest Park Individual Education, Thomas Jefferson, Edna
Keith, A.O. Marshall, Pershing, Sator Sanchez, Carl Sandburg, Isaac Singleton, Taft, Lynne
Thigpen, and Woodland Elementary Schools, looked up words in the dictionaries, and reviewed
the sections on presidents, states, and even sign language in the dictionaries with the students. The
Rotary Four-Way Test asks, "Is it the TRUTH, Is it FAIR to all concerned, Will it build
GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS, and "Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?"
(Photo Caption) Will County State's Attorney James Glasgow and City of Joliet employee
Ken Mihelich delivered the dictionaries to M.J. Cunningham Elementary students, including (from
left to right) Danna Galvan, Nolan Elliott, Moises Allende, Ethan Crawford.
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