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D. 202 seeks nominations for district awards

Ricciardi Student Services award and 29th Annual D. 202 Awards of Excellence

District 202 is seeking nominations for the sixth annual Cheryl Ricciardi Exceptional Student Service Award, which honors a school-level certified student service worker who exhibits extraordinary dedication to students.

Parents, community members, students and district staff may nominate any certified Student Services employee from any District 202 school for the award.

An online nomination form is posted on the front page of the District 202 web site (www.psd202.org) under “Announcements,” and all district school web sites.

Nominations must be received by 5 p.m. Monday, March 15, 2021.

Ricciardi started working in District 202 in 1996 as a social worker. She lost a courageous two-year battle with breast cancer in 2012.

She worked at all school levels, but her passion was working with high school students, said Crystal Lawns Elementary School Social Worker Cindy Cook, who helped to organize the award.

During her District 202 career, Ricciardi also initiated several unique programs including an after school breakdance group for at risk teens; the Catalyst Program to all District 202’s high schools; and the annual yellow ribbon run to raise money for Suicide Awareness.

Ricciardi also presented at professional workshops and continued to work after getting ill with dignity, grace, courage and tremendous strength, Cook said.

“Cheryl believed that every one of our students is extraordinary,” Cook said. “This award honors people who share and demonstrate that belief every day.”

• The District 202 Board of Education is seeking nominees for its 29th Annual Awards of Excellence.

The award honors teachers and non-administrative staff whose work on behalf of students, and support of District 202 has been exceptional in some way.

Students, staff, parents and community members are welcome and encouraged to submit their nominations.

The Award of Excellence nomination form is posted under “Announcements” on the front page of the District 202 web site (www.psd202.org) and all school web sites.

Past nominees and recipients can be nominated again. A list of past recipients is posted on the Nomination page online.

Nominations must be received by 5 p.m. Monday, March 15, 2021. This deadline will not be extended.

The Board of Education will not host an awards ceremony this year because of ongoing pandemic health concerns and state public meeting guidelines. Rather, awards will be personally delivered to recipients.

A Board of Education committee will review all nominations and select this year’s recipients. The Board of Education has honored 437 teachers and staff with Awards of Excellence since the award’s inception.


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